Our Intimate Relationship with Food

  ​ Today, I want to talk to you about intimacy. ​ The Most Intimate Relationship of All… ​ Yes, our relationship with food is one of the most intimate relationships we ALL have. Maybe even more intimate than, well…. you know. ​ Think about it. ​ We put food into our mouths, chew it,…

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Two Effective Life Strategies

  Today, I want to share two of the most effective strategies – not only for your health, but for life, in general.      These two strategies apply regardless of where you are right now in your fitness goals.  They work for beginners as well as advanced fitness enthusiasts.    Strategy #1:  Win The Day…

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Forward Momentum

  In this post, I want to talk to you about waiting for the “right time” and how it’s keeping you stuck.  (FYI: this applies to life, in general!) You may have “thought about” getting started on a new program and maybe even been about to actually start then decided,  “…it’s not the right time”.  …

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Get Inspired to Move!

  If you haven’t performed any workouts yet this week, I’m hoping to inspire you to “get it done.”    There’s something uniquely energizing about deciding to move your body, whether it’s through a brisk walk, some rejuvenating yoga, or even tackling household chores with gusto.    Ever noticed that burst of energy and happiness…

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Keep it Simple

Here’s something really cool I want to share with you today that might just flip the way you think about your health and fitness journey.    It’s a little mindset shift that’s going to make things way easier for you to: Stick with the basics, Keep from feeling like you’re in over your head, and…

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How Navigate Holiday Overwhelm!

  Ah, the holiday season—a time of joy, celebration, and, often, a dash of chaos. While it’s undoubtedly a wonderful time of year, the hustle and bustle of holiday activities can sometimes overwhelm even the most dedicated fitness enthusiasts.    If you strive to stay fit year-round but find it challenging to maintain your routine…

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How to Become a Fitness Superstar

  Have you ever stumbled upon one of those inspiring online videos of folks in their 70’s performing incredible gymnastic moves, cycling like professionals or tearing up the dance floor? Did it make you think:   “I want to be able to do that when I’m their age!” Did you wonder:  “How can I become “that…

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  Today, we’re diving deep into a topic close to everyone’s heart: motivation.   We’ve all experienced those incredible peaks and frustrating valleys, especially when we’re committed to something challenging like managing our weight.   So, let’s walk through this together, with a real-life story to guide our journey.   Meet Jessica: On Top of…

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How to Become More Productive with the Big 4

  Have you ever looked at those people who always seem to have their act together and wondered:   “How do they do it?”   It’s like they effortlessly accomplish everything while the rest of us struggle just to get through the basics.   Do they have some secret formula for being super productive?  …

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Busting Through a Plateau

  As you move forward on your health and fitness journey,  I want to share some thoughts with you that might make a difference in your progress.   You may, or may not know, it’s incredibly common for people to hit a “PLATEAU” when it comes to their fitness progress.  And, most often they instantly…

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That ONE THING That Makes All the Difference

  Did you know that there is ONE THING that can make all the difference in your physique as well as your overall health.    It’s the ONE THING that makes all amateur and professional athletes look so fit and healthy.   To be honest, I, too, have struggled with this ONE THING in the…

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The Miracle That is YOU!

  I’m absolutely serious when I say this:   “YOU ARE AMAZING!”   Have you ever given deep thought into how freakin’ amazing your body is?   Let’s start with the eleven (11) miraculous organ systems within you. Each one of them is more complex than a supercomputer… ​ AND… each one is fully automated:…

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Your Final Destination

  Do you travel?   Do you visualize how your final destination will appear?    Do you think about the fun you’re going to have?   It’s especially easy for most of us to visualize our ideal vacation destination.   For some, it’s Disneyland or a sporting event.    Others prefer something more relaxing like…

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About That Pumpkin Spice Latte!

Oh boy… it’s BACK! ​ Some nutritionists call it the most dangerous drink in the world! ​ Yes, the yummy Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL) is back at Starbucks and other coffee venues! ​ God… I wish they weren’t so delicious. But, they are!   I don’t mean to be a “Debbie Downer” but, seriously…. ​ A drink like this…

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How To Reach Your Goals

  Did you know that most people set a goal like, “Lose 20lbs” and just leave it at that.     But, goal setting isn’t quite that simple.  In fact, there is a strategy involved with goal setting.    For example, a random “passive goal” such as “Lose 20lbs” puts you at the mercy of outside…

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Junk Food Be Gone..!

  Packaged junk food is made to be addicting. There’s a reason for this – the food companies actually formulate each bite for maximum craveability. This is done with a special tantalizing balance of sugars, fat and salt.    But while junk food tastes pleasing…it will totally sabotage your fat loss efforts.   Are you…

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Food For Thought

    Have you ever thought about the intimate relationship your body has with the food you consume?   Just think about it.  You put it in your mouth… chew it, allow it to flow down your esophagus into your stomach where it will later be broken down and distributed throughout your body.     During…

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5 Lifestyle Hacks

  Want an easier way to lose body fat, increase your energy, sleep better, reinforce your immune system and just generally feel better all the way around…?    Here are just five Lifestyle Hacks that you could make almost effortlessly to help improve your health.   The fact is, everything from losing body-fat to long-term…

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What REALLY Matters…

  One day I viewed a meme on Facebook that read, “Words Matter.”   Then, a few days later, another quote: “Families Matter.”   And, no doubt, you’ve heard, “Black Lives Matter.”   Well, being in the health and fitness business, I decided to throw out a new one:  “Muscles Matter!”   This will probably…

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The Hope Molecule

  Have you ever heard of the Hope Molecule?     It represents an effective way we can feel good during trying times.    All we need to do is move our bodies.    With so much uncertainty around the globe right now, taking steps every day to monitor and improve our mental state becomes…

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Underactive/Overactive Muscles

What does mobility mean to you? Does it mean being able to do flips, rolls and dives? Perhaps being able to run, jump, squat or walk? Maybe it just means being able to move from one spot to the next?   Mobility can look many ways and has many differing opinions on what it means.…

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How to Kick Sugar

    Why is Sugar so Bad for You…?   Well, for starters, sugar promotes rapid fat storage.  But, there’s a lot more that sugars to negatively impact your physical wellbeing:   Sugar Weakens Your Immune System Sugar Causes Insulin Resistance Sugar is As Addictive As Hard Drugs Sugar Speeds Up the Aging Process Sugar Raises…

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Power-Up Your Routine

  Here’s an advanced exercise recommendation that is so simple — yet it makes all of the difference when it comes to your results!   Did you know that over 90% of “newbie exercisers” fail to achieve their goals — even after a full year of consistently exercising?   This shouldn’t be happening.   It…

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What Matters Most

  Just consider how fast our days seem to fly by.   We wake up.  We start to think about the insane amount of things we need to get done.   Then, just like that, the day is over.   And, having the world at our fingertips doesn’t slow things down. It only adds to…

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21 Rewards

  Today I just want to motivate you to take ACTION.   I understand the frustrations that you have when it comes to your body. I know all about your insecurities and how hopeless that can feel.    The answer to your body frustrations is to get up and dive into some form of physical…

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